Friday, December 11, 2009

Disney Dec 2009 Day 2

Yesterday started the night before.. When I was getting ready for bed we realized we had no blankets or pillows for the living room beds.. I called the lobby around 11pm and finally got blankets and pillows at 1:30 after calling them 3 more times.. Between that frustration and my dad watching TV in his room it took me a long time to get to sleep so I was extra upset when at 5am uncle Larry turned on all the lights to make coffee! He came in and was trying to turn on just the light above the sink but there didn't seem to be a switch to do that. After he started coffee he went back into his bedroom and I was now wide awake and grumpy.. Took a shower in the living room bathroom which was lame because that shower has a single shower head and it sprays in a straight line so it's like pouring a pitcher of water..

Dad was hanging out when I got out of the shower and I tried to convince him to come to the Magic Kingdom, but he decided to wait for them to get up and moving. The Magic Kingdom had "extra" morning hours yesterday so I went over for the early opening. I went on a few rides and was very impressed with the Monsters Inc show. The Monsters Inc show is a new addition to Tomorrowland, while you're in the waiting room for the show they tell you text jokes to them so they can use them in the show which I thought was a joke but turned out to be real. I don't know what magic they use to do this but it's an animated movie where they interact with the audience! Imagine being at a comedy club but the comedians are cartoons, at first I figured it was pre-programmed but then the person sitting next to me got harassed so I knew it was real. I would be bold enough to say that one show is worth going to the Magic Kingdom. They also changed up the line for Space Mountain and added video games you can play while waiting in line. Met up with everyone as they were coming off Pirates and I went on Splash Mountain with uncle Larry and Cameron and got soaked! I've been on that ride many many times and never got as wet as I did this time..

Back to the hotel for a nap and change of clothes.. After nap I went over to Epcot and quickly remembered why that is the best part of Disney. I didn't get real far actually, I went in and found me and Jessie's "Leave a Legacy" marker right away, man we looked young in that (put up in 2001). Next onto Starship Earth which they changed a bit, they updated some of the special effects and added a computer to the cars which asks you questions about how you want your future to look and then shows you some of the new or upcoming technological advancements that can make your future a reality! The ride now drops you off into an area which has some activities, one of them tested your reaction time, memory, and hand eye coordination and showed how in the future they can use a machine like this to perform physicals, uploading the data to the doctors office. They also had a 3D operation game which was really neat looking.

Went from there to Innoventions where I spent the rest of the day. I played a waste management game, they would ask you questions about your usage and then you get a "truck" of garbage, you have to bring the truck over to the recycle station and separate trash from recyclables, then to a trash burner to burn whatever you can and finally to a land fill where you can make a nature preserve with your remaining trash. Also played a Piggy Bank game where they teach you how to save money by bringing a piggy bank from station to station and collecting coins, diversifying your loot to hide it from the wolf and fighting the inflation balloon.. From there I went to "Sum of all Thrills" which shows you how you need math to do things like build roller coasters, once you build it you ride it on a mechanical arm which whips you about to simulate the motion of your coaster. From the wild to the mild, the next stop was the Segway which I got to ride up and down a pre-set course for free! It was a bit tricky at first but once you get the hang of it you can move around pretty good, it steers like a motorcycle and the only thing that was tricky was mounting and dis-mounting. What else? Oh, right, then I played a fire prevention game which was there before but still lots of fun and watched the effects of wind and weather on a house.

Finally left Innoventions right around 6 and went up to Canada to watch Off Kilter which had their last show of the night at 6:15. I got two more of their CDs and there are apparently two more which they were out of yesterday. If you don't know Off Kilter, they are a band very much in the vain of Kilt and Great Big Sea. Check your iPods because you may already have their first CD.. ;)

Decided to eat while I was in Epcot so I went over to the UK and had me some fish and chips while sitting on a quiet bench at the lake. The fish and chips was very good and apparently got me in the UK mindset (more on that later).. After dinner I accepted a Kim Possible mission which led me from the UK to Norway to Mexico. The way it works is they give you a cell phone which gives you hints to lead you from place to place, the cell phone interacts with items around the park to make them change, etc. These could possibly be the best thing that could happen to make Epcot even better, there are (from what I've been told) 7 different cell phones, in each cell phone there is a mission in each of the Worlds so that's a lot of different missions! I see a long day of me doing nothing but playing these ahead.. What a great way to make sure you see everything in the World Showcase.

After I solved my mission I went over to America to watch some of the Candlelight Performance which was very pretty, the left and right side of the choir was dressed in white to look like snow, the middle of the choir was dressed in green and those at the top of the tree in gold so that when you stood back it looked like a giant Christmas tree! I thought it was going to be a parade but it was just a stage show of choir music. I watched a song before heading back to the UK to get a seat for the fireworks show. I went up and ordered a beer and the guy said $8, I handed him a $10 and then pulled my coin purse out expecting a $2 coin! Silly America and our reluctance to use coins..

I filmed most of the fireworks show with my camera phone but can't post them because the hotel blocks youtube as R rated content.. I will have to post it later.. After the park closed I went over the Boardwalk so I could see where Cora's restaurant was. Got back to the room and all was quiet because dad and uncle Larry went to the store to get breakfast stuff. I turned on the little light over the coffee maker and went to sleep so that there would be no "lights on" event again this morning.

Got up and took a shower in dad's bathroom which has a great shower, it has a real shower head and a rain shower head so it was a nice happy making shower. Uncle Larry made egg sammiches and I'm now sitting in the lobby on the WiFi because dad is using the room internet to do work.

Today.. Heading to Hollywood Studios (used to be called MGM)..

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