Saturday, May 25, 2013

Anime Boston..

I realize I haven't blogged in almost a month..  I am at Anime Boston this weekend and typing this via my phone while having a beer before bed..

I finally managed to get a cup today so I was able to wear my tng uniform. I can now safely say I understand why they got rid of the jumpsuit uniform after season 1. It bunches up in the front unless you stand really straight and you definitely have to pull it down a lot while sitting.  I did bring my skirt dress in case someone changed thier mind and had shown up..  Maybe I'll convince someone to wear it with me to ConnectiCon in July..  Troi will be there so that would be the perfect opportunity to cosplay her..  :-)

In other news, me and Kaila are no longer. I am not going to go into details right now but wanted to at least let everyone know in case you didn't already. I might go into further details here later when I'm not typing this via my phone. Then again I might just leave it at that. I was sad when it happened but I certainly feel now that it is for the best. There is no need for condolences.

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