Thursday, May 30, 2013


It is natural when something in your life changes to reflect on not only that but on things past. Sometimes the answers these reflections bring surprise, sometimes they upset and sometimes they bring happiness.. As I sit and reflect this week I am brought back to a word, a single word spoken in the hallway out of frustration and out of a feeling of resignation. That word can never be changed and that one word caused so much of life to change. Plans, goals, futures, all changed by one word. If I could go back I would try to convince myself to act differently, to fight the tide and to change that word.  Would things be better?  Who knows..  I tend to think so..

I'm sorry for the vagueness of that last paragraph, there are so many feelings to think about, so many people who could be hurt, should I even put this out there in the public forum? Who knows and honestly right now, who cares..  I am a very public person and if someone gets hurt because they know what I mean then I'm sorry, but it's the way I feel, I can't change that and I have to be true to myself..

I got very caught up in the whirlwind of the past few months and I think in doing so I caused great pain, I am sorry to anyone for the pain I may have caused. I try not to regret the decisions of my past, and in general I do a pretty good job. I am sorry I changed plans because of the new developments in my life, I'm sorry that I caused some people to feel unwanted or second best.

In the end I will go on, as they say, "what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger".. 

I am still planning on moving, but not sure where.  However much I love this apartment the heating bills in the winter are horrible. I am looking in Southern MA, Northern RI and North East CT, the adventure of life is you never know where you'll end up in the end.. 

Sorry this blog has been a big downer..  In other, happier news, the Mets won four in a row which is their biggest winning streak of the year and, better yet, three of those have come against the Yankees..  :)

I will try to be more upbeat in the next blog..  I realize I need a "sign off tag line", hmm..  If you have any suggestions let me know..  For now, I'll steal this one one more time.  ;)

Good night my lovelies

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Anime Boston..

I realize I haven't blogged in almost a month..  I am at Anime Boston this weekend and typing this via my phone while having a beer before bed..

I finally managed to get a cup today so I was able to wear my tng uniform. I can now safely say I understand why they got rid of the jumpsuit uniform after season 1. It bunches up in the front unless you stand really straight and you definitely have to pull it down a lot while sitting.  I did bring my skirt dress in case someone changed thier mind and had shown up..  Maybe I'll convince someone to wear it with me to ConnectiCon in July..  Troi will be there so that would be the perfect opportunity to cosplay her..  :-)

In other news, me and Kaila are no longer. I am not going to go into details right now but wanted to at least let everyone know in case you didn't already. I might go into further details here later when I'm not typing this via my phone. Then again I might just leave it at that. I was sad when it happened but I certainly feel now that it is for the best. There is no need for condolences.

Friday, May 3, 2013

First Beer = Bud Light?!

Wednesday night I was just about to start a Daily Show and wind down for bed after Serenity when my boss called..  Apparently the instructor in NYC got really sick and couldn't continue class..  I am a person who loves adventure and last minute heroics so off to NY I go.  I say that as if I was super excited to go, but honestly, I was really disappointed, I had dinner plans with Kaila and was planning on going to a concert in Providence with Kevin and Lynz but what am I going to do but make the best of it.. :)

Anyway...  I got up at 4am to make sure to be at class by 9.. I ended up getting into the class right at 9 and connected my PC to the projector and turned everything on, by the time the projector warmed up I had the presentation already in "Slide Show" mode and started with the first module of the day. I was trying hard to stay awake and luckily the students were very interactive keeping me awake and alert, after the module I ended the Slide Show and while loading the next module one of the students said "what superhero is that", it dawned on my what was on my desktop and apparently the look on my face was really funny as I slowly turned to the screen to see Kaila's Harley Quinn picture zoomed in on a 15ft screen!  I just looked at the class and quietly said "that's my girlfriend, she is dressed as Harley Quinn from the Batman comics", one of the students actually said "impressive"... 

Wednesday after class I relaxed a bit in the hotel before going to dinner. Speaking of the hotel, I actually didn't even book the hotel till my lunch break, always an adventure right?  Anyway, I walked around and realized I was heading toward the Perfect Pint, when I got there I noticed the place right next store was an Irish Pub called Dubliner I think, looking at their menu they had very similar food plus they have 40 beers on tap and a roof top seating area so they won..  Well, the food was certainly not as good. At Perfect Pint they have a Pistachio crusted Salmon which is fantastic, at Dubliner they have a Walnut crusted Salmon which was not quite as good.  But, they did have a better beer selection. While I was three people came in and sat next to me, they ordered their drinks and after the guy tasted his he made a comment that beer didn't taste good.  Apparently it was his first beer ever and it was a Bud Light, I couldn't resist telling him the reason it didn't taste good was not because it was beer, but because it was BAD beer. They were from Pakistan and here on holiday, I ended up giving them a long lecture on hops, malts, ales and lagers. His second beer was a Smithwicks (at my suggestion) which he enjoyed a lot better. If you feel you don't like beer make sure you've had all the different types before you make that statement.

I came in this morning and had put the appropriate wallpaper back on my PC, when I turned on the projector all the students were disappointed I had changed it.  One of them asked if I could put it back because the other one "was nicer to look at"..  LOL!

I have been re-reading a lot of my old blogs and if I do say so, I say some pretty smeggin' insightful stuff..  I recommend going back and reading those old blogs if you haven't before. Yes, I know there is a lot of them and yes a lot of them are food and baseball related, but there are some gems of knowledge in there..  :)

Oh..  In other news - as if this was small enough to toss at the end of a blog, but, you know, that's how I roll..  :P  I'm moving in with Kaila in August, we will be living in Milford MA..  I am very happy and excited to embark on this new stage of my life and want to shout to the world how happy I am