Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Burn that Candle...

I told my co-worker how I was flying home from Seattle and going to a concert Saturday night in Maine and then leaving Sunday for Dallas, fly home from Dallas and go to a concert again on Saturday before leaving on Sunday for Mclean. His response was "man, you're really burning that candle at both ends", both ends you say? I think I found a few spots in the middle that burn too.. :)

Last day in Seattle

I got out of class and headed back into Seattle to go back to the Science Fiction Museum, I'm glad I did.. In my hurry to look around the first time I missed the Red Dwarf model, they had one of the original Red Dwarf models used in the show, unfortunately they keep all the displays dark so I was not able to get a good picture. One of the big interactive screens I walked by the first time was a space dock that had bunches of ships dock and then fly away again, under the big screen they had little screens which you could interact with each ship that shows up on the big one. They listed the speed, maneuverability, fire power, distance, size and crew capacity for each ship as well a little blurb about who made the ship and why. It was really neat to look at and compare the different ships from the different sci-fi stories.

Walked around downtown a bit more before spending way too much time in the airport..

Hung around the airport and met a girl who was flying home from Hawaii, she grew up in Florida and moved to Hawaii because her husband got stationed there with the Army. She was telling me about how great the health care is there.. Is anyone surprised? You mean government provided heath care for all is a good thing?! Who knew... Oh wait, I (and probably all of you reading this) did...

Landed later than I thought but I did get a bit of sleep on the plane, on the flight from Atlanta to Hartford I had an empty row so I was able to lay down. Me and Jessie hung out at the house for a bit while I did laundry and then we headed up to Maine. We got to the concert venue a bit before 6 and got a chance to walk around before the show, the highlight was a used toy/comic store which had tons of awesome stuff from the past. We ate at a local pub and got to the concert just in time to get front row seats. The concert was awesome! Jessie was concerned because when she saw it in Cambridge they had guest singers for each part and here they only had Anais singing. I have heard the CD before but never really realized how much she looks and sounds like Alyssa Jones from Chasing Amy, it was so close I actually looked up on IMDB to see if they were the same person or at least related. They are not..

When we first got to the venue there was a guy holding the door open for the musicians to bring in instruments. I asked him what time the doors opened and he went and found out, while he was gone Jessie informed me that he was the bass player... doh...

Got up early and came down to Dallas via Cincinnati.. Went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and watched the Mets lose on ESPN.

Monday lunch was great, work provided because we have customers in the class and they brought in Chicken Marsala with a tray of grilled veggies and roasted potatoes. It was so good I went back for seconds. Speaking of good, dinner was great too.. I went to Magic Time Machine which is a theme restaurant over by the hotel. All the waiters are dressed as different characters, my waiter was Jack Sparrow and he did a great job of the part. They also had Dr Evil, Mr Incredible, Cinderella, the Mad Hatter and others. One of the funniest things was the bathroom calls, if you made the mistake of being seen going to the bathroom they would yell things at you.. One example was Cinderella asking a guy "Are you going to the potty?! Try not to pee on the floor again!", and don't make the mistake of asking anyone where the bathroom is because then they walk you all around the restaurant announcing that "this guy has to pee". Dr Evil had a guy following him as he asked each table if he could borrow their cups because this guy had to pee! He walked the guy around the restaurant like three times before he finally showed him to the bathrooms.. The food was just as good as the entertainment, I had a blackened stuffed prime rib which was two 5 oz prime ribs with crab meat and scallops between them, take that and put on a bed of garlic mashed potatoes and some asparagus. So good! I was going to just get a Rib Eye but Jack Sparrow recommended the stuffed prime rib, I just have to say thank you Capt Sparrow..

Got back to the hotel and watched the Mets game, which was once again on ESPN. After the game I went down to the hot tub to find they closed it early?!

I slept good, but I must have slept odd because my back is killing me today, hopefully I can get to the hot tub before they close it today. I'm feeling something healthy for dinner, maybe sushi? Lunch today was mexican and just ok..

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