Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Surrounded by beauty

I am totally in love with this heat wave! I bitch and complain all winter but I do think the change in seasons makes you appreciate the warmer weather and the regrowth of nature. I just wish the colder parts of the year didn't last as long.

Yesterday I went up to Kaitlyn's house, we went and got some sammiches and brought them up to a beautiful waterfall in the middle of the woods. The water is all mountain run off and runs really strong this time a year due to the snow melting. All around the water there are amazing looking big rocks, Amber could probably spend an entire week there just studying the rocks.. I took a few pics (posted to Flickr), but they don't do it justice. The water comes down a waterfall and forms a really nice swimming hole that is a little over head deep, on the other side of the swimming hole is a cliff face of clay. Kaitlyn was telling me how in the summer they will swim across and get a bunch of clay, they swim back with it and put it all over their bodies and lay out in the sun on the rocks! Free spa anyone! I know, you can't have a spa without a hot tub/jacuzzi right? Well, if you swim to the base of the falls there are rocks you can sit on in the water and have the waterfall pounding around you.. After we ate and chatted for a while we ended up going for a swim, the water was surprisingly not cold. I would say the ocean in Australia was colder, I was able to sit in the water for a few awhile whereas in Australia I was not even able to get legs in the water!

Nature is really the best medicine, my foot feels great after spending a few hours out by the falls... I even slept without my boot on last night for the first time since having the cast off!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ahh Warmth!

Had a great weekend.. Lovely weather and lots of fun events..

Thursday I picked Jessie up and we went to Red Robin for dinner before seeing Earth. When Discovery/BBC filmed Planet Earth they had a bunch of stuff they didn't use. Disney took some of the stuff they aired in Planet Earth and a bunch of stuff they didn't and made a really nice movie out of it. James Earl Jones narrated the American version which is always a good thing. Disney is planning on making this an annual Earth Day event, next year they are releasing Oceans. I just looked up the figures and it made $83,316,770 this weekend which is a lot of trees! Disney announced they would plant a tree for every ticket sold over the first weekend! When trying to find numbers I found out that Patrick Stewart narrated the International version of the film, hopefully when they release the DVD they will include both narrations.

Friday was wonderfully warm.. Melissa came over and we spent the day out and about, sat outside at Bella's Gourmet Market for lunch and I had the Balsamic Watermelon which was nice and refreshing.. Afterwards we went to Mohegan so she could put in applications before heading down to the outlet mall at exit 65. We got back to Putnam as the sun was starting to set, we tried to go to Thompson Dam but the bugs were coming out in force and we didn't think to use bug spray so we didn't last long.

Saturday was equally as nice out.. Putnam had their town cleanup scheduled for the morning and couldn't have picked a better day! Unfortunately I pushed it a bit too far during the cleanup and hurt my foot trying to get a boot from a pretty steep hill. Our cleanup ended early because I really couldn't stand/walk on my foot.. :(

After spending some quality time on the couch with an ice pack I felt good enough to head back out. We went down the outlet mall and I found a great piece of luggage made by Samsonite and Jessie finally replaced her sunglasses. After dinner we went to Water's Edge in Greenville RI, I posted some picks from there on Flickr but they don't really capture the beauty of the place. They have a porch that goes out over the water and creates a really amazing view, especially as the sun sets. The food there is really good too which could make it one of my normal haunts. I had the Rigatoni with Rabe and Sausage which was so good, the other nice thing was that the portion size was really nice and I didn't feel stuffed when we left.

After dinner we went to "Music at the Mill" and saw the West Eddy Trio. The Mill is a very small venue, they have couches and comfy living room chairs as their seats. They have a small selection of snacks and non-alcoholic beverages available which are all inexpensive. There is no set price for the show, instead they pass around a hat for you to contribute what you feel you want to. Adrienne West is the lead singer for the West Eddy Trio, she has a knock out voice. They did a bunch of covers and few of their originals, check out their youtube page. I personally can't wait for them to release their own music on a CD. They recorded the show and hopefully they will release some sort of live CD, the Mill has a few live CDs of people who were there in the past so there is a chance they will release Saturday night's show.

We went to the Mets game on Sunday and watched yet another bad game! Love the stadium, still planning on writing a blog about that, but it's getting very frustrating watching the Mets play bad ball... Murphy fell down again in LF... I know it's early but these early losses are killing us...

---Diversion of the Day

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April catch up blog

So, the picture that was short-listed for inclusion in the seventh edition of the Schmap Sydney Guide was officially put to use in the guide which I think is pretty rockin'...

Here is the link - http://www.schmap.com/sydney/entertainment_concerts/#p=339954&i=339954_21.jpg

The other night at dinner John mentioned an article on the Onion that talked about Mr. Met not getting enough sleep at the new stadium. Check it out..

I've neglected this blog for far too long. I now need to recap almost the entire month of April..

The week of the 5th - 11th..

Monday the 6th I woke up and decided I was going to try and walk on the cast, I took a few tentative steps before I put the crutches down and everything was great. To compare, I didn't walk on the cast until the beginning of week 4 during the last surgery and even then it was only for very short spans of time. This time I started walking in the beginning of week 3 and I only used the crutches a few since the 6th.

Melissa came over that day and we hung out and watched opening day! The great thing about opening day is no matter what, every team at least thinks they have a chance to make this their big season.. Thursday I went over Nathan's house up in Beverley for the first time. His house is very nice and they did a lot of work on it since they got it, it would have been interesting to really see how it looked before hand. We ended up going to Home Depot and Lowes and it was probably more walking than I should have done, by the end of the day my left knee, back, arms and shoulders were killing me. Luckily for me Lynz came over on Friday night and did a lot of work on my legs, arms, shoulders and back. I can't say how thankful I am that she was able to put everything back in place.

Friday night Melissa went to Alliance (LARP formally known as NERO), Saturday morning she came over to shower and get changed before going to a friend's party in Boston. I'm usually the one coming home from LARPs and being all excited about what happened so it was odd being on the other end of that.. A good odd, but certainly odd. I can't wait till Laire in May... I had to miss the April event because it was too close to me getting my cast off, but I'm ahead of myself..

Saturday night Sara came over and we went to Pho Evergreen in Greenville RI and had really good soup. It's a really nice family run restaurant, Sara told the girl she was allergic to gluten and she made a really good point of checking with her mom about each ingredient. On the way out the youngest boy was sitting in the reception area watching TV and we heard a dog barking from what appeared to be the back room.

The week of the 12th - 18th..

The 12th was Easter or as a friend called "Zombie Christ Day".. We went to my brother's house which was nice because we had not been there in a while and the food was really good... His kids are getting real big, it's sort of amazing to me to realize that little Lenny is now 16!

Monday I went to dinner with Kaitlyn at our normal restaurant (the People's Pint) and afterwards got to sit and listen to her play the guitar and sing! It was finally nice enough out so that we could sit in her breezeway and just relax. She'll probably yell at me for saying this in my blog, but she has a great voice and I could totally see her playing an acoustic live set in a local bar or club.

Tuesday I got my cast off!!!!! I was supposed to get it off on Thursday but I could not get an appointment early enough to do it and then get to the Mets game in the same day. I really wanted someone to be there with me when I got it off because I was unsure how stable I would be afterwards so I picked Melissa up Monday night and brought her to Putnam so she could go with me on Tuesday to the doctors. The cast came off and the foot actually had strength enough to push the doctor's hand which is way better than last time when I could barely stand. They gave me a soft boot cast and it was really nice out so we went to play Mini-Golf afterwards which Melissa won by one stroke!

Wednesday night I went over to Willimantic and ate dinner with Lynz and Anja, we went to the sushi restaurant in the mall and hung out at her house afterwards. I had not been down to Willi in a while so it was a good change spending some time there.

Thursday was my first game at Citi-Field! I think I am going to write a separate thing about the stadium in general so I'm just going to say that for Thursday nights game is was COLD! I went with Melissa and my dad. Mike, his mom, Amber and Kris met us there. Ivon ended up spending the whole game in the Promenade Club bar and only came to the seats for about 10 minutes towards the end of the game.

Saturday me and Jessie went to lunch with Hoyle and his wife Janine. We met up at Unos by their house and afterwards went back to their place for a while to hangout and chat. She is a very nice girl and I think we may have convinced her to come to Tuesday night dinners. Yes, I have not mentioned anything about Tuesday night dinners in this blog. And Yes, they are still going strong. Trick is I don't remember what everyone brought each week so I will just say that they were fun as always! I will actually talk about this weeks in a bit but I'm not there yet... So... After leaving Hoyle and Janine's house we went home and met up with Ryan and Sara for dinner at Bella's Gourmet Market in Putnam. The just reopened after being closed for a week to put in a kitchen, they now have a full dinner menu and I highly recommend you check them out if you live in the area. They have this amazing Balsamic marinated grilled Watermelon as an appetizer that comes with chocolate goat cheese! I would go there and just eat that! I got a steak which was so tender I was able to cut it with my butter knife!

The week of the 19th - today..

The 19th saw my 2nd game at Citi-Field, it was still cold but a bit warmer. I went down with Jessie, Sara, Ryan and my dad. We gave Mike's tickets to Amber and Kris but they didn't show up. Ivon sat at his seats this time and once again we lost. Walked less this time but still probably too much.

Monday was my first day back at work, I went in early because of the silly Boston Marathon and ended up lasting till after lunch before my foot was starting to really bother me and I took off. Monday night Amber came over and we went to dinner at Someplace Special. She filled me in on all the goings on at Laire over the weekend while at dinner much to Jessie's boredom.

Tuesday I went to work, then the dentist... I had a cleaning appointment scheduled for 2, I got there a few minutes early and found out that my dentist had retired and given the practice to another dentist. I've never met the dentist so him retiring is really not that big a deal, but.. The dental assistants were very upset over the changes which included having to use new machines. Upset dental assistants + new machines = horrible cleaning! I left there feeling a bit violated and in pain. I hate dentists! Dinner was quiet this week, in attendance was me, Jessie, Melissa, Sara (for most of it), Ryan, Joe, Hoyle, John (for a little while) and Kristen (for a few minutes towards the end). We (me, Jessie, Hoyle and Melissa) got there late and were the first to arrive. Joe showed up a few minutes later and then Sara had to leave because of "mom issues". We ended up going to the table with just the 6 of us. John showed up a little while after and then Sara came back to bring our little group up to 8. Kristen showed up while everyone was eating dessert to drop the kiddies off for Sara to watch for the night.

Yesterday I went to dinner with Sara at Thai Basil while Jessie was at Yoga. We were supposed to go early but we had to wait for Kristen to come get the kiddies before Sara could come out. I got home from dinner around 9 and ended up chatting with Ange and Melissa before heading to bed.

Holy crap - it's today! I am sitting at work with a bunch of pissed off employees, apparently even though my company made record profits last quarter they are giving everyone a pay cut for the rest of 2009! Oh and they stopped 401k matching funds too! I'd hate to see what they would do if they didn't post record profits! I dropped my car off at Patrick Subaru for it's first 3,000 checkup since the new engine. It's been getting very poor gas mileage and running kinda loud and although Kiss may Love it Loud I don't when it comes to my car. They just called a few minutes ago to tell me it's done so now that I'm done with this long ass-blog I'm going to go get it. Tonight I'm going to the movies with Jessie, we are going to see Earth. I'll let you know how it is. If you don't know Disney is planting a tree for every ticket sold this weekend so go..

---Diversions of the Day
It's been long time since I blogged so I will give you two today...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bag of Weed

I have been meaning to write a blog for a few days now and have not had the time to dedicate to it.. This is not that blog... That blog will hopefully be written tomorrow while at work or maybe later tonight depending on plans...

Anyway, this blog is all about Family Guy and the song Bag of Weed!

If you have not seen Family Guy from last night you missed a great episode in which Brian gets arrested for having a bag of weed on him. The go to the park and Brian and Stewie sing a song about pot.. Here it is:


Lyrics -
Stewie: Now everybody gather ’round and listen if you would
When I tell you every person needs a way of feeling good
Every kitty needs a ball of string and every dog a stick
Stewie & Brian: But all you need is a bag of weed to really get a kick
All: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
A Bag of Weed, A Bag of Weed
Oh, Everything is better with A Bag of Weed
It’s the only hope that you’ll ever need
Cuz’ Everything is better with A Bag of Weed
Stewie: Here you go, you’re all getting it now
Ensemble: When Texas people want to feel good,
Stewie: They go assault a queer.
Ensemble: When stupid people need a thrill,
Stewie: They rent The Rocketeer.
Ensemble: When Michael Jackson needs a rush,
Stewie: He humps a guy like me.
Ensemble: Right!
All: But all we need is a bag of weed,To keep us worry free.
One, Two, Three, HO!
A Bag of Weed, A Bag of Weed
Oh, everything is better with A Bag of Weed
Oh, you don’t need meth and you don’t need speed
Cuz’ Everything is better with A Bag of Weed
Stewie: Have a go, Brian!
Brian: As Mr. H.L. Mencken said, “The common man’s a fool.”
Stewie: And just like Helen Keller said, “Doof stoo gee nay foo tool.”
Brian: But try and use your heads and don’t buy into all the fear.
All: HEY!‘Cuz all we need is a bag of weed
To make us wanna cheer!
And One, Two!
A Bag of Weed, A Bag of Weed
Oh, everything is better with A Bag of Weed
You can try and fight but we’re all agreed
Because everything is better with A Bag of Weed
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight,
And One, Two, Three, Four, And A Five, And A Six, And A Seven! HO!!
A Bag of Weed, A Bag of Weed
Oh, everything is better with A Bag of Weed
You’re a happy guy but you can’t proceed
Because everything is better with A Bag…Of…Weed!
Oh evrything is better with a bag of weed!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Photos and Video

I posted pics to Flickr today and when I got there I had a message telling me that one of my photos has been short-listed for inclusion in the seventh edition of the Schmap Sydney Guide, to be published late April 2009.

I had to approve their use of my picture which I gladly did. That kind of thing makes me feel cool because it's a random pic I took that they now want to use in a city guide!

The picture they chose was one of the ones I took of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

I also posted 9 videos from One Night of Queen on YouTube.

Mets add 'historic bat' in Sheffield

No, this is not a blog about only baseball again.. I just laughed my ass off when I read that headline on MLB.com.. I guess "historic" is the new pc phrase for old.. If you don't know who Gary Sheffield is, he used to be a great outfielder, now he is a has-been. He is 40 years old and his last good year was 2005 when he hit .291 with 35 home runs, he has steadily decreased since then and was released by Detroit in spring training because he hit .175 in the spring. If the Mets were going to sign a random old outfielder I would have rather they sign Bonds who could probably still play or at least hit the crap out of the ball.

Quick update, recap of the last week or so...

Last Saturday was Joe M's birthday, originally just Jessie and Hoyle were going to go but since my foot was feeling pretty good I decided to tag along and drag Sara with us. We met at a Comedy Club/Brewery in Hartford called City Steam Brewery Cafe around 5 figuring we would eat and then catch their 7pm show. When we got there we found out that the show was sold out so we could either go to the late show or go to Funny Bones in Manchester, after a quick vote we decided to eat and head to Funny Bones. Speaking of food... I would really like to go back to that brewery on a night that they didn't have a show, the food (crab cake sliders) was very good when they finally brought it. I had a two of their beers and they were both tasty, the first (and better) beer was the Winter Wheat which is an odd beer, at first I was not sure if I liked it but by the end of the glass I decided I liked it enough to bring home a growler. Well, as it turns out the Winter Wheat was the end of the run, I got about 2 glasses in the growler but they only charged me $3 for it so I figure it's a win. The 2nd beer I had was Deirdre Does Dublin which is a Guinness clone, it was ok but not great.

After dinner we loaded into the car and shot down to Manchester, got tickets and got seated right before the show started. Ian Bagg was the headliner and was really funny. I forgot the names of the first two comedians, they were ok but obviously not that memorable. My leg was still feeling ok afterwards so we went back to Joe's house and played some Apples to Apples with his clan.. Speaking of his clan, I was shocked to see Gwen sitting at the table when we arrived for dinner. Me and Jessie knew Gwen from a few years ago when she was living in Willimantic with her ex Jack. We lost touch with them when they moved down to Georgia, we messaged Gwen once or twice when she moved back to Providence and it was very cool to catch back up with her over dinner and the show. We didn't stay too long at Joe's because my foot was starting to really bother me. We did stay long enough to invite Joe, Melissa and Gwen to Tuesday night dinners. More on that later.. :)

Monday I had lunch with Mike B at Bella's in Putnam and helped him setup his stereo system at his girlfriend's condo. Bella's is adding a kitchen this coming week, they are closing Monday-Wednesday and revamping the restaurant. When they open back up on Thursday they will have a full dinner menu including Jessie's raw pasta sauce!

Melissa came over during the afternoon on Tuesday to hang out before dinner. We hung out and watched "What the Ancients Knew - Greeks", it's the 2nd "What the Ancients Knew" episode I recorded (the first was Japanese). I was not impressed with the way they put the show together, there was so much they could have talked about but didn't. The only thing that was really cool was when they talked about the giant Triremes, which were their war ships. They actually built one and had a team of modern day rowers get in and test how fast it could go and how long they could maintain that speed. Jessie made a tamarind dip for dinner, Sara made Afghan Squash which was really good especially when mixed with Jessie's tamarind dip.. Kristen made cookies and Lynz & John made a veggie dish. Melissa was hijacked by the kiddies when she arrived and didn't rejoin the adults till dinner was served. After dinner I went and laid on the couch to put my foot up and Melissa came and sat with me when the kids weren't having her spin them..

We ended up playing Trivial Pursuit after John and Lynz left. Teams were - Me and Melissa, Jessie and Hoyle, James and Therese, Kevin and Sara and Kristen. Joe was going to team with Kristen but he was not feeling good so he took off early. Hoyle and Kevin are pretty evenly matched when it comes to trivia games but Hoyle and Jessie ended up coming out on top in the end. Me and Melissa did ok considering we kept getting distracted by the kids and apples.

Wednesday I had lunch with Mom, Joe, Grandma and Sara. Joe made a pizza for him and Sara, the rest of us got pizza from that really good pizza place in Putnam. Grandma was not impressed saying that it was not really New York pizza. Mom and I disagreed.. :)

Lynz came over Thursday, she had been meaning to check out that herb place by the Vanilla Bean so we ate lunch at the Bean and checked out that place. I had a turkey, bacon, avocado wrap which was sooo good.. After lunch we went up to Dr Scheffel's office to get my stitches out. Getting the stitches out hurt a lot more this time, last time getting the stitches out was a relief because of the staple that was pulling on the bandages, this time there was no relief just pain. The re-casting process really sucks, while your knee is bent they push your foot up to the angle they want it and then have you hold it there while they cast it. Holding the foot at a stretching angle really hurt my knee and my muscles. Once the cast is on and hard the next trick is straightening your knee which stretches the tendon even further. Back to the pain meds for a few days..

Amber came over for a bit on her way home which is always cool.. The rest of Thursday night was lots of Red Dwarf. Years ago I started watching Red Dwarf with my friend from NY, we watched 3 seasons and I think we watched 1 episode in the last year so I decided to download them off Netflix online.

Last night me, Jessie and dad went to see One Night of Queen which is a Queen tribute band called Gary Mullen & the Works, they are sanctioned by Queen and Brian May as the definitive historical Queen show. They did two sets, the fist set was good but the 2nd set was holy crap amazing! The version of Love of My Life was probably the crown on the show for me, they did a different version of it than Freddie and Queen would normally do and it was great to hear him use Freddie's voice but a different arrangement. They also broke up We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions with Friends will be Friends which was nice and unexpected. We got handicap seats which were very close to the stage off to the side of the theater. I took lots of videos and should have them up on YouTube in a little while.

So, I'm watching the Mets/Red Sox game now. Before watching this I watched this weeks Mets Weekly which talked a bit about food at Citi Field, they apparently have a stand which has fries with various dips including a bacon dip!

Speaking of Baseball.. Over the last few days I've been reading a bunch of different articles on ESPN.com and MLB.com.. Here are some interesting things I read...

The new Yankee stadium has a center field restaurant that apparently blocks the view of the field from the bleachers! They just announced they are lowering the price of those bleachers to $5 because they are "limited view", if you look online you can find pics of what it looks like to sit in those seats. Speaking of Yankee stadium, the Yankees increased their ticket prices 76.3% from last year! The Mets increased their ticket prices by 8.6%.. The Red Sox had the highest average ticket price for the last 13 years, this year the Yankees eclipsed them. The average ticket price at Yankee stadium is $72.97, the average ticket price at Fenway is $50.24, 3rd place is Wrigley Field at $47.75 and Citi Field is 4th at $36.99.

How about salaries? The Yankees are once again #1 in baseball with $216,661,739.. The Mets are at $129,987,735.. I don't know where the Mets fall because not all teams have published their salaries yet for the 2009 season. I know, if all the teams have not published their figures how can I say the Yankees are #1? Because no other team is even near them.

---Thought of the Day
Be true yourself and have the confidence to know that by being yourself nothing is untouchable or unattainable..