Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tattoo Time?

I want to get my second tattoo at some point during the winter which means I need some help with my design. I have a vision but don't have the art capabilities to make it happen.. My vision.. A circle of spirit animals on my left arm from shoulder to just above elbow. I want it to be in the same celtic and tribal mix as my other tattoo. If you have any artistic eye and would like to help me design my new tattoo please read on and send me some drawings.. :)

Dragon on the top, clockwise of him would be a polar bear, clockwise from him a dolphin, clockwise of him an owl. In the center would be a pixie/fairy. I was thinking of having each animal in a minimalistic line art style sort of like the elements on my the other tattoo. In terms of the actual circle, it could be that the animals intertwine with each other or there could be a faint celtic knot ring like on my other tattoo. The pixie could again be intertwined with each other animal or could stand on her own or could have a faint celtic cross behind her and touching the circle. All of the animals are male except the pixie.

Email me your designs or post them as comments here..

Here are some examples of artwork I found on the web for tribal animals.

Really like these:

Here are some others:

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