Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lyme's Disease?!

While in Miami I got bit by a tic. I didn't even realize at the time that I was bit, I felt a itch and saw the tic walking on my stomach so Jessie grabbed it off with a napkin. Well, I got home and went to Laire and after I was tired.. Wow, tired after Laire, that's a real shock. As the week went on I started to feel dizzy as well and figured I really needed sleep. Lynz came over on Friday and we found I had a 103 fever! Kept ice on my head over the night and kept my fever under 102, woke up Sat and my fever was about 100 so I went to the Mets game because my dad got us really good seats. Slept (or tried to) on the way down while Jessie drove, we stopped at Raw Soul and got some food, I had a juice before the game and sat at the seats till about the 5th. I was starting to feel real dizzy and when I took my temp it was at 104!? Jessie figures the thermometer was getting a bad read but either way we went inside the Ceaser's Club and iced me down for a while. I ate some good raw avocado soup from Raw Soul that we brought in and then headed home. I once again tried to sleep on the way home and when we got home I went to bed and crashed, woke up around 12:30 on Sunday and watched the game on TV. While I was watching the game Jessie noticed the red spot on my stomach so Monday morning I went to the dr to get the official diagnosis. End results are 3 weeks on antibiotics!?! Oh well, could be worse.. At least it will be gone after that because we got it early enough.

After the doctor on Monday I drove down here to Philadelphia to teach this week. Only 4 students and so far things are running smoothly, tonight I went with Josh (another instructor) into Philadelphia and went to Milah which was very good.

I'm going to do my best to eat healthier while on these antibiotics because I don't want them to destroy my stomach too much.

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