Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"richly chewy" <-- words used to describe Ice Cream!

Last night Robyn came over, when she got there we decided to grab some food. Not know what was around I asked the guy at the front desk of the hotel, he recommended Shamshiry Chelo Kabob which is a Traditional Persian Cuisine restaurant a block away from the hotel. Having never tried Persian food we decided to give it a shot.

The food was excellent but the menu was all the entertainment we needed for the night, well almost.. Here are some actual menu item descriptions:

Salad Shirazi $ 2.99
There is an Old Persian saying that it takes four people to prepare a salad: A generous man to add the oil, a stingy man to add the vinegar, a wise man to give the right touch of salt and pepper, and a fool to mix it well. Diced cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions mixed with olive oil, lemon juice, and seasoning provides a pleasant combination to prepare you for your dining experience.

Panir Sabzi $3.25
Panir or goat’s cheese is an extremely delicious cheese, which the Persians habitually eat. If you walk down the avenue in Tehran during lunch hour, you will find the mason, and cobbler, the shopkeeper – everybody – eating bread and cheese. Very often Persians eat Panir with raw vegetables and herbs (radishes, basil, scallions, tarragon, or fresh mint). It pleases the palate.

Torshi Bademjan $ 3.99
The Persian homemaker takes pride in the quality and variety of the pickles kept in the pantry. This appetizer of eggplant, parsley, garlic, mint, cilantro, vinegar, salt, spices, and black caraway in uniquely Persian and extremely palatable.

Shirin Polo $ 4.99
This is one of the most excitingly different, unusual, and demanding of the Persian rice dishes. But it is also one of the most rewarding. The sweet rice is seasoned with spices, perfumed with sugared orange peel, and made crunchy with pistachios and almonds. It tastes as if imaginative honeybees created it.

Baghali Polo $ 4.99
This fragrant and devastatingly delicious dish is made with dill, a most delicate herb. Persians have favored dill for many years and use it in many dishes. One of the more famous and extremely tasteful dishes is Baghali Polo, where dill is used in combination with rice and soft good tasting fava beans. It’s a treat you will want to share.

Chelo Kabob Kubideh $ 9.55
Kabob is the Persian word for meat or fowl cooked over a charcoal fire. There delicious strips of charcoal broiled ground meat are served with a snowy mound of rice topped with saffron. All the beef dishes achieve greatness when you add a raw egg yolk on the side, which you rapidly pour into the hot rice, continuing to toss it so that the egg coats all the grains as the heat cooks it. Stir in as much butter as you dare, and sprinkle in the brown powdered sumac that’s in a shaker on the table. It’s tart spiciness is irresistible.

Chicken Kabob $ 9.55
Chicken kabob is made with breast meat that has been marinated in a special recipe. Persians serve chicken for the same occasions that Americans serve turkey. If the Persian homemaker has a guest, she will almost always serve some form of chicken. This is special. The chicken, served with rice in a snowy mound, will give your meal a whole new meaning.

Persian Ice Cream $ 3.99
Persian saffron ice cream, tinted a golden pink will remind you of midsummer. It is fragrant with rose water and as richly chewy as the most eggy creamy ice cream aspires to be. You can order it alone, or with Paludeh.

As promised here is your update blog.. Or a bit of one anyway..

Jan 6th - Lynz and Anja came over and I made chicken cutlets with gluten free bread crumbs. I added honey to the egg and it came out nice, next time I'm going to add some X-O Hot Bean Paste and see where that goes.. After dinner we watched all of the Simon's Cat videos on Youtube, if you have not seen those yet I recommend them.

Jan 10th - Went to Steve's house for a board game day, it's been a long time since I went down there so it was nice to do that for a change. We played Redneck Life which was an ok version of Life, the spin on it was that you started with $0 and everything you bought put you further in debt and you could gain and drop kids quite often. It was funny at times but overall it was not spectacular. What was (and is) spectacular is Dominion. Randy brought that and we played a few hands of it before the night was up.

Jan 11th - Made a buffalo, sausage, veggies and rice dish for dinner. I was going to put in corn and mushrooms, Jessie recommended Okra so I added that too. While cooking I realized the mushrooms were bad so I added a veggie mix instead. After dinner we played Dominion and listened to some music..

Jan 12th - Make it a Dominion week? I brought it over to Tuesday dinner and played a few hands after dinner.. What a great game.. :)

Jan 13th - Dad came over for dinner and to rescan all the DVDs for sale. I made my homemade teriyaki sauce and cooked it on a pork tenderloin. After dinner we watched a few episodes of "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps" which is a show from the BBC. It's very funny and reminds me a lot of "Coupling".

Jan 14th - No really, make it a Dominion week! Lynz came over and I made a swordfish steak with the leftover teriyaki sauce. After dinner we played Dominion and listened to music..

Speaking of Dominion, I ordered the "online only" cards from eBay and got them on Friday.

The weekend was Laire and I have to say that I'm finally back to full Laire ability. I did some serious ass kicking, I was swinging so much on Saturday my arm felt like it was going to fall off. In all my years of playing I don't think I've ever felt so swarmed as I did on the Saturday mod. The waves of undead were staggering, the only thing I could see was Lascula (we were fighting so close we were touching for most of the battle) and walls and walls of undead. If not for the Double Power Fortitudes I'm sure we all would have dropped in the first encounter of the mod. As it was we didn't make it all the way through the mod but it was a success (sorta) as we survived. I stayed till the end of the event and was exhausted driving home. I woke up on Monday morning to stagger my way to the airport and the beginning of yesterday's blog..

btw - I love Blogspot's auto save feature! I accidentally clicked on a link to get you the diversion of the day and closed this window. I went back and the whole blog is still in tact!

Meant to put this into the other day's blog.. The Mets called me on Sunday morning, unfortunately they insisted on calling my home number and not my cell phone even though my cell is listed as the primary number. Since they called home I didn't get it till I got back from Laire. I called them Monday morning before getting on the flight and got assigned seats. I don't know if I would have gotten better seats if I had talked to them on Sunday but I moved from 433 to 430. The eventual goal is to get into section 424 but I guess a little closer is still better. We are in Row 3 and have an aisle seat. I could have taken Row 1 but I would not have gotten an aisle in Row 1.

---Diversion of the Day

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winter in New England, who knew?

I'm sitting in class in Mclean VA watching students do labs and I have been AWOL for far too long.. So..

I flew down here on Monday morning after a long Laire weekend. I got on the plane and when they were done boarding they made an announcement that there was a big pile of snow behind the plane and we therefore could not taxi away from the gate?! How did the plane get there if there was a big pile of snow? I assume that the plane must have been there overnight.. Snow pile moved and we are on our way.. Until.. The pilot tests everything out and finds that the wings are frozen! Now we are sitting between the gate and runway and they have to send two trucks out to water blast the ice off the wings, they then coat them with a green liquid and after a min or two the wings start to move again and we can finally take off. Now, I understand that things freeze but wouldn't it make sense that they looked at these things *before* loading the plane? If I were down south I can understand them not taking the steps to de-ice the plane before hand but you would think that those who run Logan Airport would know better..

Had a good nap and arrived in DC with no further issue. Getting the rental car was a bit of a humorous event, I get the car (Toyota Corolla) and leave the booth. After you drive out of the booth you hit a stop sign, there was no sign so I went straight to "outside". "Outside" meant into the car wash area?! I drove around for a bit looking for another way out and found that I was apparently supposed to turn left at the stop sign and go back into the garage to go down levels and out into the street. Only way back now was to go in as if I were returning the car and drive around. OK.. Back around and out to freedom.. Got to the hotel finally and relaxed a bit before heading to Sunflowers for dinner.

For a starter I got the One Mouth Happiness which is a few pieces of each of their sushi rolls. Roll 1: Zen Roll - Avocado, hiyashi seaweed and cucumber. Roll 2: Rainbow Roll - Carrot, pickled daikon, inani and cucumber. Roll 3: Inani Sushi (Marinated Tofu Skin) - Stuffed w. brown rice, sesame seeds, crispy bean curd, seacress & shiso condiment. That came with edamame soy beans on the side.

I probably should have stopped there but I didn't.. I got Raw World as my entree, which is listed as "Japanese style akatosaka, aotosaka, jicama, tomato, organic sunflower seeds, avocado, pine nuts, dried blueberry, dried cranberry and daikon on a bed of mixed greens". I was not happy when it came, it was a big pile of iceberg lettuce with separate piles of each of those things. Actually that's not totally true, the sunflower seeds, pine nuts, blueberries and cranberries were in a cup on the side as was the dressing. Oh, and the avocado was entire half of an avocado, not even cut up, just scooped out and plopped on top.

To boot the Lemonade I got was minute maid lemonade. I figured in a vegetarian/vegan restaurant the lemonade would have been made from real lemons.. I am probably going to go back and get their General Tso's tofu. We shall see...

Today Robyn is coming over and tomorrow I'm meeting Amy and Mitch.. No plans yet for Thursday but I'm working on it.. ;)

I will post a "catch up blog" tomorrow which will talk about Jan 5th - 17th, for now I'm logging off so I can get out'a here..

Monday, January 4, 2010

Goodbye 2009...

So, I had this great idea to write a "Year End Letter" blog making it as over the top as possible and then posting the Garfunkel and Oates song as the Diversion.. Then Jay Leno and NBC pulled the video off you tube and ruined my idea.. The blog wouldn't have been funny without the song so the idea was scrapped.. Notice the link above.. It brings you to the song on you tube, it's a somewhat new link so I don't know how long it will last.. If you have not heard it check it out before it goes away again.. btw - if it does go away you can always get it on the Jay Leno website but the involves loading the episode and fast forwarding till you find it. So, I was looking for the link to the episode on Jay Leno's site and I found something better... Here is a direct link on Jay Leno's site..

Now that I have a link that will work I'm still not posting my year end letter blog.. Unless I get lots of requests for one.. :)

I was on TV Torrents a while back and found a fan made Star Trek show called Hidden Frontier, I just watched the first three episodes with Jessie last night. The story was good and the special effects were good, the acting however was very bad. Jessie is not interested in watching anymore of it but I'm going to go through a bit more to see if the acting gets better. They have seven seasons of Hidden Frontier and a few spin-off shows, I downloaded all that was available today.. TV Torrents had the low res versions of all the episodes, the above linked website has the high res versions as well as the low res versions so I replaced all mine with the high res versions.

I got Guitar Hero: Aerosmith a while ago and every time we play it we get frustrated at the quality of the songs, not just the selection but also the mixing quality. It was starting to make me poo on the entire Guitar Hero franchise but no more.. I just got Guitar Hero: Smash Hits and it has redeemed Guitar Hero in my eyes, every track is good or better and they play much better than anything on the Aerosmith one. The other cool thing they did.. If you had Band Hero you can type in the code from the Smash Hits book to make the songs from Smash Hits available in Band Hero, this also works for Guitar Hero V.

In other Guitar Hero news, Rock Band and Guitar Hero have finally come to an agreement to allow each others instruments to work. The only exception is the original Rock Band and Guitar Hero stuff. So, if you have Guitar Hero II + instruments they will work on all Rock Band games except the 1st one. If you have Rock Band II + instruments they will work on all Guitar Hero games except the 1st one. I'm pretty happy because now I can play things like Rock Band Lego which has a bunch of Queen songs.

Some people take bowling very seriously, I don't.. If you don't take it seriously this might be for you.. Go find a duck pin bowling alley and have them put up the bumpers on the gutters. Now you can play ricochet bowling! It's like Pool and Bowling combined into one game. I went bowling with Lynz and Anja and we had a blast.. Nobody got a strike and there were only two spares (one for me and one for Lynz), we wanted to see if we could knock 'em all down so we each rolled two balls at the same time. Six balls going at various angles netted us 9 pins!

After the game we chatted with the guy at the counter, apparently there has never been a perfect game in duck pin bowling. The pins are spaced just as far apart as they are in regular bowling but the pins are much shorter. When they fall they are not big enough to hit the pins next to it so you don't get that wonderful
domino effect.

I finally agree with Board Game Geek on something.. I played Dominion with Randy and Chris on New Years Eve and it is a great game. It's a card game but it feels like a board game. I would say it's my favorite of the newer games I've played, by newer I mean games that came out in the last two years or so. Board Game Geek ranks it at #6 all time.

There is a great article in the January 3, 2010 Boston Globe. I am going to cut and paste it here so you don't have to go to the link and read it on six pages with ads all over the place.. Here is it:

Love’s new frontier
By Sandra A. Miller
January 3, 2010

Jay Sekora isn’t actively looking for an additional relationship, but he admits to occasionally checking a dating site to see who’s out there. Sekora’s girlfriend, Mare, who does not want her last name used here for professional reasons, said she is not pursuing anyone, either, but is “open and welcoming to what might come along.” In the three-plus years they have been together, a few other people have come along, like the woman whom Sekora, a 43-year-old systems administrator from Quincy, met online and dated briefly until she moved away. There was also a male-male couple that Mare and Sekora, who identifies as bisexual, dated for several months as a couple. Other than that, it has been the two of them. Well, sort of.

Through the lens of monogamy, this love connection may appear distorted, but that’s not how Sekora and Mare, who is 45, describe their lifestyle. Adherents call it responsible non-monogamy or polyamory, and the nontraditional practice is creeping out of the closet, making gay marriage feel somewhat last decade here in Massachusetts. What literally translates to “loving many,” polyamory (or poly, for short), a term coined around 1990, refers to consensual, romantic love with more than one person. Framing it in broad terms, Sekora, one of the three founders and acting administrator of the 500-person-strong group Poly Boston, says: “There’s monogamy where two people are exclusive. There’s cheating in which people are lying about being exclusive. And poly is everything else.”

Everything else with guidelines, that is, although those vary according to the agreed-upon needs and desires of the people in the relationships. After all, this isn’t swinging, in which a couple seeks out recreational sex. This isn’t even the free love of the ’60s and ’70s, characterized by psychedelic love-ins. And despite the shared “poly” prefix, this certainly isn’t the patriarchal, man-with-many-wives polygamy that has earned increased public attention with the HBO show Big Love. Polyamory has a decidedly feminist, free-spirited flavor, and these are real relationships with the full array of benefits and complexities -- plus a few more -- as the members of Poly Boston’s hypercommunicative, often erudite, and well-entwined community will explain.

“With affairs, you get sex. With polyamory, you get breakfast,” says Cambridge sex therapist Gina Ogden, citing a well-known poly saying. Ogden is the author of The Return of Desire, in which she dedicates a chapter to affairs and polyamory. “Polyamory isn’t a lifestyle for everybody, any more than monogamy is for everybody,” she says. “Keeping one relationship vital is a lot of work, and if you start adding more relationships, it becomes more work.” Though common descriptors used for monogamy don’t easily apply to polyamory, there is a recognizable spectrum of how open these partnerships may be. On the closed end, you might have a couple in a primary relationship who will then have one or more secondary relationships that are structured to accommodate the primary one. There’s also polyfidelity, in which three or more people are exclusive with one another. On the open end, there might be chains of people where, for example, Sue is dating Bill and Bill is dating Karen and Karen is dating Jack, who is also dating Sue.

“I’m not sure there are as many ways to be poly as there are people who are poly, but it’s close,” says Thomas Amoroso, an emergency room doctor from Somerville and member of Poly Boston. Amoroso, 48, who identifies as straight, has been in a committed relationship for five years with a woman and man who live together within walking distance of his Somerville apartment. Amoroso is only sexual with the woman, who is sexual with each of the men separately, but they all consider the others life partners. “No one has said the words ‘Till death do us part,’ but I think that’s the intent,” Amoroso says. Divorced in 1999 after 15 years of marriage, Amoroso felt unable to express his affectionate nature in the confines of a monogamous relationship. When a woman he had just begun seeing revealed she was polyamorous, the concept, new to Amoroso, resonated. Amoroso and the woman stayed together for five years, while each sustained additional relationships, including -- for her -- one with Sekora that drew Sekora and Amoroso together in a close friendship that they still maintain. For Amoroso, being poly is less about sex than the authentic expression of caring for more than one person. “People tend to harp on the sexual component,” he says, “but the relationship component is just as important.”

It’s complicated, as the poly catch phrase goes. It’s also still surprisingly closeted. Nonetheless, Valerie White, executive director of Sexual Freedom Legal Defense and Education Fund in Sharon, says we are ahead of the curve in Massachusetts, particularly compared with the South, where teachers have lost their jobs and parents have lost their children for being poly. But she notes there is no push in the poly movement to legalize these relationships, largely because there’s no infrastructure for it. “It was easy to legalize gay marriage. All you had to do was change bride and groom to person A and person B. But we don’t know what multi-partnered marriage looks like,” White says.

“The gay struggle is a larger struggle, and as poly people we don’t have to be political,” says Amoroso, who, like many poly people, does see the need for a clearer legal recognition of relationships that aren’t marriages. (If one of his partners were to fall ill, for example, he would want legal visitation rights.) But he also thinks the lifestyle can gain acceptance. “Most poly relationships that I’m familiar with are heterosexual, and that’s a lot more understandable to people, even if they wouldn’t do it this way,” he says. “The fantasy of more than one boyfriend or girlfriend is fairly widespread,” he adds.

Women may face more criticism for living a polyamorous lifestyle, according to Valerie Sperling, professor of women’s and gender studies at Clark University in Worcester. “This is a hot-button issue for women,” Sperling says, “and if a woman is out as having two or more boyfriends, people might label her oversexed, versus the ‘boys will be boys’ idea that kicks in when men have sex with lots of women. What a stud. What a slut.” She points to this double standard as a possible reason so few poly women would speak on the record for this story.

For even more serious reasons, Opeyemi Parham kept her poly lifestyle closeted for the 20 years she worked as a physician in Boston. A divorced woman who for several of those years was in an open relationship with a male partner, Parham feared both the professional consequences and the possibility that she could lose custody of her two children, who are now in their 20s. Since leaving conventional medicine to work as a health educator, Parham says she is now beyond those consequences and wants to show people that her lifestyle is not threatening in any way. “Boston, in my experience, has a uniquely cerebral approach to life and is somewhat disconnected from the body. Therefore, issues of sexuality can be a little more volatile and open to misinterpretation,” says Parham, who moved to Greenfield in 2003. “My agenda is a society where people can choose how they relate with other humans sexually without legal penalties, professional penalties, and the emotional penalty of shame and blame,” says Parham.

“The conventional paradigm of monogamy is very much entrenched in our culture,” says Randi Kaufman, a clinical psychologist who has counseled nearly 40 poly people in her Cambridge office. “Practicing polyamory means setting aside the basic principle of monogamy that one person will meet all of another’s needs in an intimate relationship.” Though Kaufman has seen polyamory work well, she also has counseled clients on some poly-specific challenges, such as “new relationship energy,” referring to an intensified focus on a new person that can cause someone to neglect his or her other partners while in the throes of new love. Just as in monogamous relationships, sex can drop off in poly relationships, too, says Kaufman, but poly people can still get their sexual needs met by others without damaging their primary relationships. Then there’s the issue of jealousy.

“A lot of poly people who feel jealous say it’s a warning sign that your needs aren’t getting met,” says Sekora. He says he’s felt insecure about relationships but not necessarily jealous of his partner’s partners. He recalls a time early in his relationship with Mare, however, when she felt threatened by a woman he had started dating. When the three sat down and talked, the women got along well and Mare’s worries dissipated. “Sensible, mature, self-reliant, and stable partners would be a welcome asset” to their relationship, says Mare, who began to identify as poly five years ago when she tapped into the Poly Boston community. Even though she grew up in a more sexually permissive era than her mother did, Mare remembers being in high school and college in the 1980s and envying her mother’s 1950s young adulthood when people dated around. For Mare, who likes the thought of having deep, enduring love with Sekora -- and the possibility of more first kisses with other people -- a polyamorous lifestyle is the answer.

Growing up in Macomb, Illinois, Sekora never felt any inclination toward monogamy. He gave it a try with his first girlfriend at 16 and quickly knew it wasn’t for him. Through reading about other times and cultures, the intellectually curious teen realized he might not be the only person on the planet who felt hard-wired for open relationships the way some people are meant for monogamy. As an undergraduate at Yale in the 1980s, Sekora never met anyone else who identified as non-monogamous, but when he moved to Princeton, New Jersey, in 1989 for his first post-college job in technical support, he got plugged into a bisexual community that helped him claim that identity. Through that community, which Sekora and others say has a large overlap with the poly community, he met a significant number of non-monogamous people and had his first relationship with someone who already identified as poly and was looking for open relationships. Sekora remembers it as a learning experience. “I think you can play the part of a monogamous person without necessarily having to think what it means for you,” he says. “There’s a cultural script that we learn from movies, sitcoms, songs on the radio, and watching our parents. Because there isn’t a similar script for poly relationships, you have to think about what you’re doing and decide what you want.”

Many people find the journey from a closed to a sexually open lifestyle scary, according to Dossie Easton, coauthor with Janet Hardy of 2009’s The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships and Other Adventures, a book many consider the poly bible (the first edition came out in 1997). “Most of us will have to deal with challenging emotional responses to new experiences as we move into more openness in our relationships, and work to find ease and security beyond guarantees of love based on sexual exclusivity,” says Easton, a licensed marriage and family therapist in San Francisco who made a conscious decision 40 years ago never to be monogamous again. The benefits, she says, include the freedom to engage in relationships that are not about life partnerships but may provide different perspectives, adventures in sexuality, and new connections with many people. Easton also cites the value of a poly community as a place to exchange information and support with people who understand your lifestyle.

It was Biversity Boston, a thriving, well-organized bi community, that helped draw Sekora to Boston in 1992. After a few years, he and two other non-monogamous bisexual friends envisioned a similar organization and separate social space for poly people. Their research revealed that a small, albeit active, polyamorous group called Family Tree had already been in existence locally since 1980. (Valerie White says Family Tree was one of the first established poly groups in the country, perhaps pointing to a progressive social attitude in the Boston area.) But the Family Tree meetings usually took place, and still do, in the suburbs, and its members were generally older. Sekora imagined Boston-centered, T-accessible events that could also draw an urban crowd. In December 1994, Sekora and the two others who are no longer active in the community launched Poly Boston as a mailing list of five people. Six months later, it started taking root with new members. Sekora took over the list in 1998, steadily helping it grow to its current 500 members, with an almost equal number of men and women. He says bumps in new subscription requests usually come in the wake of Poly Boston’s appearance at the Boston Pride Parade or its booth at the associated festival.

While primarily still a mailing list and website with no formal organizational structure, Poly Boston hosts weekly gatherings at a cafe in Somerville’s Davis Square and monthly dinners at a restaurant on the Red Line. Occasionally, the members meet for ad hoc discussion evenings or day trips. The events, which typically attract a few dozen people, are not meant to be places to shop for partners, but some of that becomes inevitable, according to Amoroso, who attends a gathering every other month. He admits that if you’ve been in the community any length of time, you’ve probably dated a significant fraction of the people in it.

As the website administrator and first point of contact for new members, Sekora maintains his original goal of fostering a healthy, welcoming poly community here. The flavor of the group reflects the city in general, with a fair amount of students as well as people who came here to study and then stayed on. But, demographically, it is more bisexual than the city at large because of the identities of the three founding members. Information technology, academia, and biotech are well represented among the professions, but, though the group is somewhat skewed toward the sciences, plenty of Poly Boston people work in the humanities or the service industry, according to Sekora. The most obvious common feature beyond their lifestyle may be a love of intellectual ferment. “It certainly seems to be a group of people who are, by and large, interested in the discussion of ideas,” Sekora says. When it comes to dating within the group, Sekora observes that, unlike with monogamous breakups where there’s a tendency to divvy up friends and social events, this isn’t the norm in Poly Boston. “I think the line between lovers and friends is less impermeable in the poly community, and that can help avoid drama,” says Sekora. “But that isn’t the way for everyone,” he adds. “I certainly know people who can’t show up for an event because their exes might be there.”

* * *

Poly Boston members Alan and Michelle Wexelblat of Burlington take turns attending the cafe gatherings. As the parents of two boys, 6 and 9, the poly couple find that the get-togethers -- though child-friendly -- conflict with homework and dinnertime. “There’s nothing that having kids didn’t affect in our lives, including how we date,” says Alan. That would be dating each other as well as other people outside of their stable 10-year marriage. Both Alan and Michelle identified as non-monogamous when they met and hit it off 15 years ago at a science-fiction convention in Philadelphia. Authors such as Robert Heinlein, whose stories often feature nontraditional marriages, are frequently credited with the striking overlap of poly people and science-fiction fans. But there seems to be no causal relationship between discovering these ideas in books and putting them into practice. More likely the Internet, a longtime hangout for sci-fi fans and poly people, is the common denominator.

“People have been practicing polyamory for eons,” says Michelle, a social worker at a community mental health center in Lawrence. “It’s not necessarily polyamory, but there is this concept of relationships with multiple people in them.” She cites biblical writings that refer to multiple wives and hunter-gatherer communities where men and women stayed together for a few years before moving on to new partners. “This is common if you look at anthropology,” she adds.

Alan and Michelle kept in touch after the convention and eventually dated their way -- although not exclusively -- into their open marriage. Prior to becoming parents, they would each typically have at least one or two relationships beyond their own. Currently Alan, a user interaction designer for a local software company, has one -- a steady girlfriend of four years -- and Michelle has none. How long has it been since Michelle has dated anyone? “Long enough to be annoying,” says Alan, who would like to see his wife find a boyfriend.

Michelle, who calls herself a romantic, says she gets wistful rather than jealous when her husband goes out on dates, and while she would welcome having someone new in her life, it also has to be the right person. There’s compatibility to consider but also schedules, goals, and, of course, the feelings of other partners. Alan likens the experience of introducing new people into the relationship to the awkwardness of bringing a boyfriend or girlfriend home to meet the parents. They both note that dating outside the poly “tribe” is difficult. “It’s easier to date people who already share a certain set of beliefs about relationships,” says Alan, who, like Michelle, wears a wedding band and asserts that they are both upfront about their lifestyle when meeting a non-poly person they would like to date. “Why wait until you’ve got the other person interested and it could be complicated to tell them?” says Michelle.

Then there are the kids, who in this case, according to Alan, understand as much about their parents’ lifestyle as they want to. The two boys have attended several Boston Pride Parades, and they know and interact with their parents’ partners as they would with any other close adult friends. But the Wexelblats have not yet explained the specifics of their lifestyle to their sons. “Kids deal well with things they think are normal,” says Alan. “To the degree that we can help them be comfortable with this, then they will treat it as normal. That’s the theory, anyway.”

That theory is starting to get support from research. In 2006, Elisabeth Sheff, an assistant professor of sociology at Georgia State University who had been collecting data on poly families since 1996, launched the first long-term study of children raised in such families. While her findings are not yet conclusive, Sheff says her initial generalization is that kids raised in poly families have access to many resources, such as help with homework, rides when needed, and the additional emotional support and attention that comes from having other, nonparental adults in their lives. Sheff adds, however, that “kids in poly families also sometimes feel extremely upset when their parents’ partners leave, if it means the end of the relationship between the kid and the ex-partner.” She says that poly families often pass as mundane, blended families from divorce and remarriage and therefore easily fly below the radar.

Many poly people don’t necessarily want to stand out, but quietly seek acceptance for a lifestyle that they say is challenging, often time-consuming, and yet rewarding. “For some people, being poly is a lot of constant work,” says Sekora. “It is probably intrinsically harder balancing three people’s wants and needs than two people’s. But if I had to choose between monogamy and celibacy, I would choose celibacy.” For Alan Wexelblat, being poly is important to his identity, but hardly the whole of his and Michelle’s life. “Ninety nine point nine percent of our lives is ordinary stuff,” he says. “We have jobs. We have kids. We worry about school. We check homework. For us, living as a poly couple is just living as people in modern society.”

Sandra A. Miller is a freelance writer living in Arlington.
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And Finally...

---Diversion of the Day