Thursday, May 21, 2009


Lynz came over with Anja last night for dinner..  I went to the store and started getting a bit frustrated trying to buy a salad dressing that was gluten free, I was in a bit of a hurry and after looking at the first few dressings I gave up and decided to make my own.  I decided I would make a chunky sauce and use the chunky bits to cook the tilapia in.  The sauce came out really good so I figured I would post the recipe.

5 tomatillos
1 green pepper
1/4 onion
1 large chunk of garlic (the garlic we have has monstrous cloves, I cut one clove in half twice to put in the sauce..  I would say it's equivalent to 3 normal size cloves)
approx 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
a pinch or two of salt
- Throw all of that into a food processor and get it all ground up (keep pretty chunky) then add oil to make it thinner, I would say about 4 tablespoons of oil.  Blend again but not too much because otherwise it will get less chunky.  Now take it off and put it on low heat till it warms up a bit, once it warms up put a touch of Agave in to sweeten it.  
- Now scoop out some sauce, try to get a bunch of chunks and spread them onto a frying pan.  Put the tilapia on the sauce (fish should not be touching the pan so it stays nice and moist), put more sauce on top and cook on medium heat till the top gets white and flaky.  Meantime the sauce should stay on low heat to continue to meld the flavors.  
- I also made brocolini which I put in a pan with a little bit of oil and salt, cover it so that it steams in the oil.  Cook it until the skin starts to caramelize.
- Carefully take the tilapia out of the pan when it's done and put on more chunks.
- What you have left will be a watery sauce which would be good for salad dressing or, as we did, something to top your rice or quinoa with.

After Lynz left I started folding laundry and, because Luna peed on the bed in the spare bedroom, start more laundry.  While I was folding laundry the oddest thing happened, I logged into gmail and noticed Kaitlyn was online!  I ended up chatting with her on IM while I folded laundry!  It was a little surreal having her on IM and knowing that she is now reading this blog..  Welcome back to the internet world Kaitlyn...  I added her blog link to the random links section..  

Tuesday night I skipped dinner for the first time, it was not the first dinner I missed but it was the first I missed not due to travel.  Me and Melissa went to the Red Sox game instead.  A co-worker has season tickets in row B of the Right Field Roof Box, they are awesome seats and it was probably the first time I felt I had good seats in Fenway.  The seats still didn't face home plate but at least the pitch of the seats made it so that I could see over the heads of the people sitting in front of me.  I hate sitting on the field level there because if anyone sits in front of you (and at Fenway that means all the time) you can't see the field.  The game was a great pitching duel with the Red Sox coming out on top, the entire game was only 2 hours 15 minutes!  The food choices at Fenway do leave a bit to be desired but the burger I had was really good, probably because they were out when I ordered it so I got a fresh one.  They had signs for a kosher stand and I was going to get a knish but then I saw that their kosher "stand" was a vending machine!  It did have knishes but I didn't feel up for testing out a vending machine knish.

Laire this weekend..  I am planning on "playing" Daimone for the full weekend, I say playing in quotes because I will be non-combat still.  The Order is staying in the inn which means I can play at night too because I won't have to walk down to the cabin.  Hopefully I'll win lots of gold at night while everyone else is out killing the bad guys.. :)

---Diversion of the Day

Monday, May 18, 2009

Flickr update...

I just uploaded 127 new pictures to Flickr..   Enjoy..  :D

Birthday Weekend...

Birthday in Jersey..

Me and Jessie decided to head to Portland Oregon for my birthday this year, why Portland?  Storm Large wrote a one woman musical about her life that she is performing at the Portland Center Stage, the show is running from March till the end of May and I hate missing once in a lifetime shows.  If you don’t know who Storm Large is she is a singer/song writer who is from MA, she moved out west and started a band.  That band had released a few CDs and then she went on Rockstar Supernova which is where we found her and fell in love.  She is a tough, kick ass girl who makes no excuses for her attitude, language and appearance.  Since Rockstar Supernova she has released another CD which not surprisingly was her best selling one to date.  Check out her song Ladylike which she sung on Rockstar Supernova and later recorded for the CD of the same name.

So, using Marriott Rewards points, Continental miles and a travel voucher we got our trip all set for a grand total of $80 + rental car and food.  I may bitch about my job but the travel thing is one part of it I really do love.

Enough background, let’s get to the fun that was this trip…  I mean that in a mostly serious way..  Thursday’s plans: Fly from Hartford to Newark, check.  Fly from Newark to Portland, how ‘bout Friday?  It turns out that Newark was having bad weather so our flight from Hartford was delayed, ironically (or rather unfortunately) the flight to Portland was not delayed by the weather..  Our flight to Portland was supposed to leave at 6:05 (and did) and our flight from Hartford got in around 7:00… No big deal, the hotel will be on the airline right?  Nope…  Because it was the weather that caused us to miss our flight they would not put us up in a hotel for the night.  We were made aware of this while still in Hartford so I started calling/texting a bunch of people from Laire to see who lived near the airport.  Our new flight was at 7am so we decided it would be silly to get picked up by someone local just to have to be back at the airport for 5am.  A few calls later and I cancelled one night in Portland and used the points to get a room in Newark..

After texting, chatting with a bunch of people in the area we decided to have Grifo meet us at the airport and go out with him for dinner/drinks.  He got on a few wrong trains and in the end never made it over (gave up around 9:30).  While waiting for Grifo to show up we met some really cool guys, one of them was from Chicago and visiting his friend in NYC.  His friend apparently hooked him up with a crazy girl, depending on who’s version of the story you believe he was told that the girl was crazy before he went off with her.  Regardless, she was crazy and not the good kind.  She is on medication and once it wore off she got real crazy and the whole experience ended with her hitting him while sitting in the airport waiting for his flight.  I have to give him credit for doing the right thing, he grabbed her hands and restrained her knowing that the cops (or goons as he called them) would show up and break it up.  As it turns out nobody reacted at all and he had to just sit there and take the beating, makes me sick that we pay a so called security force to let that happen.

We finally made it to the hotel and now it was getting late so our food options were very limited, we ended up eating in the hotel restaurant which ended up not being that bad.  I had a steak which was very well prepared, the spices were done very nicely and it was cooked almost perfectly (crispy on outside but still pink in the middle).  The hotel had Yuengling as well which is always a win.  Not the birthday dinner I imagined (eating at a nice restaurant in Portland) but it ended up being really good.

Crazy Enough

When we got to the airport on Friday we couldn’t use the self check-in because our flight had been changed from the original plan, we went to the elite check in area and the elite security clearance area and were on her flight with plenty of time to spare.  Again, I love this part of my job..  The non elite lanes were out of control and we probably would have missed our flight.

Arrived in Portland, got a car and went to the hotel to shower and change before heading out for the day.  We were going to do a walking tour of Portland so we parked between the tour starting point and the theater but due to my foot we decided not to do the tour.  Instead we did the beer tour, we had lunch at a brewery called Deschutes Brewery, it was very good.  I had a burger with garlic, goats cheese and some mustard.  Jessie had a lamb burger which had tzatziki sauce on it, her burger was ok but mine was better.  We each got a flight of beers which includes six four ounce glasses, my favorites were the Mirror Pond Ale, the Amber Dawn, the Bachelor Bitter and the Gluten Free ESB.

After lunch we went to a book store called Powell’s.  This place is out of control big, they are at least an entire city block and three stories tall, they have different color rooms for what genre you’re looking for (the blue room was Sci-Fi, the red room was games, etc.).  They had some really old out of print books just sitting on the shelves used and some even new, they had autographed copies of some books for sale as well and they had a RPG section that was bigger than most stores entire sci-fi and fantasy section.  They had RPG books from the old West End Star Wars and one book from the Decipher Star Trek as well as almost any Wizards of the Coast book you could ever want.  We wandered around for a while to walk off the buzz we had from lunch.  They had an Ancient Greek section that was an entire isle, some of the books were in Ancient Greek and some were the translated versions we are all used to seeing.

After lunch we went to one of McMenamin’s pubs (the Ringler’s Annex) and I had a their raspberry beer (Ruby) which was very good, Jessie got a coffee with rum and it was super strong.  After our mid day drinks we went for a walk around the city, we didn’t see too much other than pubs and after a while ended up back at Powell’s so Jessie could get a real coffee before the show which we split.

The Portland Center Stage is a nice theater, they are actually two theaters, there is a big one upstairs which has two levels of seating and then there is the small one down stairs.  Crazy Enough was downstairs in the smaller of the two stages.  Before the show I saw Storm come in and walk up to the third floor to get ready, Jessie was standing on the stairs taking a picture of the poster when Storm walked past her.  While we were waiting for the show we saw the announcement that they extended the run to the end of June! 

I don’t know what to say about the show, it was the most personal thing I think I’ve ever seen done on stage.  She talked in depth about everything in her past, her mom had made a lot of attempts to take her own life and when Storm was a little kid she was told by her mom’s psychiatrist that it was hereditary and that she was be crazy like her mom.  She was told it would probably kick in when she was in her 20s or at the latest when she had kids of her own!  What a thing to tell a little girl!  She talked about a few of her mom’s attempts including one in which she put dishwasher detergent in dinner.  She talked about going to see her mom in the hospital and how it was when her mom would come home from these trips.  She talked about her sexuality at school and her bout with heroine when she moved to CA.  There was one really funny point when she was talking about her early sexuality when she had gotten an older lawyer in bed while she was still very young and after hours of sex after all of her makeup had worn off the guy looked down at her and asked “how old are you, really?” and she said 13.  I don’t know if she was 13 at the time or if she just said that to fuck with the guy but his reaction was hysterical.  She went on to talk about how her band and her attempt to get onto the Lilith Fair.  She also was a model for a dildo company and she relayed a really funny story about her time posing with the “product”, the camera man told her that she made their penises look small.  She finally made peace with her mom right before she finally died a few years ago, and she admits that she is indeed crazy, but unlike her mom her crazy works for her.  She’s not too crazy, she’s just crazy enough..  If you have the means I would recommend the trip out to Portland if only to see her show.  Hopefully she will release a live copy when the run is over, it would be awesome if it became a touring show.  We got the soundtrack and it has some truly amazing tracks.

Speaking of crazy enough…  Did you know that Seattle is only a 3 hour drive from Portland?  Why is that relevant?  Well, the Red Sox were playing the Mariners so Saturday afternoon we drove up to Safeco field and saw the game.  Saturday morning we met Mik (a guy Jessie had been talking to on IM since Australia) and wandered around the city.  We went to the Saturday Market which is an outdoor market with food, drinks, clothes and artwork.  I had a Rogue summer beer and got a few cool things from the market.  We ate breakfast and lunch at the same vegetarian restaurant and then headed off to Seattle.  Safeco is a nice stadium, the view from the seats was very good, we had row 1 in the upper deck so we had a great view.  The only problem I had with the stadium was that when you were not at your seat I felt very away from the game, you could not see the field from any of the concourses.  The food was good, I had an Ichiroll which is a really spicy tuna maki roll, it was so spicy I almost couldn’t eat it.  One really cool thing about this stadium is that they had the ability to order food from your seat, you could do this on your Nintendo DS (Mariners are owned by Nintendo) or your Verizon phone via text messages.  The other nice thing (hope you’re not surprised) is that they serve Starbucks coffee instead of Dunkin Donuts.  I had a few different beers at the stadium including a Pyramid Amber Ale which was really good.  Speaking of Pyramid, they had a brew house across the street from the stadium which we went to after the game.  I had a summer brew from there which was also very good. 

We didn’t get back to the hotel till after 2am and had to get up at 4am so we could get to the airport in time for our 8am flight..  At the airport in Portland we went to the Rogue brew house and had a pre-flight drink and breakfast which included Kobe beef meatballs with blue cheese inside them.  At the Detroit airport I had my mid-day Murphy’s Irish Stout..  Got back to CT and ate at the Japanese restaurant in Willimantic before finally getting home to pass out..

Portland is a really cool city, it's very laid back and very spread out.  There are no really big sky scrapers and there is a bunch of greenery in the city.  The ride to Seattle was amazing, there was this enormous snow caped mountain off in the horizon and the road was lined with big hills and enormous trees!  I can see why people love it out there, I wish I had more time (and healed feet) so I could go hiking and enjoy the lovely surroundings.  I would like go back there when I have time to just veg in the wilderness for a few days.

Monday, May 11, 2009

These are the days... <3

Last Monday I went to dinner with Amber at Blue Ginger in Wellesley MA..  Me and Amber were both having a "no-good-miserable-horrible day" and needed to have a good end to the day.  We met at the restaurant and after a short time looking at the menu decided to do the Tasting Menu..   The tasting menu was 5 courses including dessert.  I got mine with the wine paring, I assume the waitress filled my wine glasses beyond where they normally would so that we could share..  The amuse bouche was a bite sized pork meatloaf in a mushroom sauce.  Course 1 was -  hawaiian bigeye tuna poke with a crispy sushi rice cake topped with peppercress-tosaka salad.  Course 2 - sake-miso marinated Alaskin butterfish in a wasabi oil, soy-lime syrup with a vegatarian soba noodle sushi.  Course 3 - foie gras shiitake shumai in a sauternes-shallot broth.  Course 4 - grilled marinated hanger steak and garlic-black pepper lobster with lemongrass fried rice and pea tendril salad with soy-ginger vinaigrette.  Course 5 - bittersweet chocolate cake with cardamom ice cream and a sesame macadamia carmel nut tart.  The wines were all very good but the stand out wine for me was the 2005 Atteca Old Vine Garnacha which is from Calatayud Spain.  I have been there in the past with Jessie and it was just as good this time.  I wish it was not so far away so I could go there more often.. 

Saturday I had a board game day at my house..  The planning started out as a small six person Catan game and ended up turning into an epic day culminating in 12 people coming over and 15 going to dinner and Star Trek!

Randy won Catan thanks to Christian stopping me twice from winning by pulling away my longest road points.  In retrospect I probably should have stopped trying to get longest road after the first time and I probably could have just built another two settlements and been done with it but I could fixated and fell...  After Catan we played Betrayal and hit a haunt I had never seen let alone played, the good guys almost didn't have a chance as I was the only one strong enough (Ox) to beat up the spaceship and I was taken out in the first round..  :(

Star Trek was a bit of a frustrating experience for me..  I honestly didn't care if I saw the movie in the movies and was only going because I knew so many people who really did want to see it.  I am that guy who talks during movies (whisper to people sitting next to me) and one of the big reasons for me to go to movies is to have that running commentary with people..  Anyway, we went into the theater and everyone scattered to different locations (some WAY up front, some WAY in back and others in the middle), unfortunately for me that meant that first of all I would now have to choose who I sat next to..  Normally I would have just stayed with Jessie in the middle but I really wanted to see it with my friends who drove really far to watch it with me..  Jessie went and found an elevator and I was able to go up to the top of the theater and watch it with Christian and Brad.

So, what did I think?  Well..   I have to say that I went into the movies with low expectations, I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to continuity and I was afraid of what they were going to destroy by making a prequel to the original series.  I also have to say (somewhat braggingly) that I did not see a single preview, I had a few close calls but I didn't even know who was cast (other than Kirk and Spock).  I am not going to give any details, just a few statements..  Casting - 4.5 Stars!  LOVED the casting of the younger versions of the crew, the only one who didn't amaze me and the reason for this not being 5 stars is Kirk.  I felt that he was sorta generic and didn't scream Kirk to me.  Everyone else was perfectly cast.  Special Effects - 5 Stars!  The effects were not only really well done but they never became the focus of the movie, I hate how so many new movies focus on the effects and lose the actual movie plot and character development.  Good Character Development & Dialogue - 5 Stars!  Evil Character Development & Dialogue - 2 Stars!  The enemies were supposed to be Romulon but they did a very bad job of portraying them both in appearance and attitude.  Plot - 3 Stars...  Nothing to say here, just see the movie and we can argue if you want...  Continuity - I am not going to rate this or say anything about it because it would give away the plot.. 

---Thought of the Day
"A love affair is not a lifetime. 
It's calendars and clocks, my friend. 
All good things 
Have to end. 
A memory of a happy moment -- 
That's what this week will one day be." - Aspects of Love

I have been accused of not doing "short term relationship", at the time it was meant to be a knock against me, I think it's a plus.  My shortest relationship with a lover was almost 3 years and I really like being able to look back on shared memories of happy moments.  There are people in my life I have known a very long time and I would be sad to have them leave, I am not foolish, I know that all good things do indeed have to end (learned that from Picard) but it does not mean that it has to end now, or even in a few weeks, months or years...  I really wish I had saved my calendars over the past 14 years because it would be so nice one day to be able to look back on those and say "remember when we did that"...  I know I have the google calendar for things going forward but it's a shame to not have the ones from the past..    I guess what I'm trying to say is...  Don't get so caught up in the moment to not think about saving something to remember it by..  In the end all you really have is memories and, if you're lucky, someone who shares them with you..  

Thanks to everyone who has and continues to help me create my "memory of a happy moment".. 

"Sometimes I get the feelin'
I was back in the old days - long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Things seemed so perfect - you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shinin' - we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
The rest of my life's been just a show

Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
When I look and I find I still love you

You can't turn back the clock you can't turn back the tide
Ain't that a shame
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
When life was just a game
No use in sitting and thinkin' on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
Better sit back and go with the flow

Cos these are the days of our lives
They've flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now but some things remain
When I look and I find no change

Those were the days of our lives - yeah
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing's still true
When I look and I find
I still love you" - Freddie

Friday, May 1, 2009

First of May 2009!

I was going to call this blog First of May but I already have one titled that when I posted the lyrics and video of the song, I went to post it and Blogger yelled at me because it was a repeat name..

Here we are on the much anticipated First of May... Unfortunately the weather is not the greatest but it's also not horrible out either, I wish we had the weather from the beginning of the week but at least it's not snowing..

This week has been a series of long nights and little sleep and looking forward it looks like I should be able to sleep in on Sunday.. I'm not complaining about the long nights, I just wish I didn't have to get up so early but I guess that's the working mans curse.

Tuesday night we had a pretty big group for dinner and everyone made lots of food. I really have to find out from Sara how to log into the Tuesday night blog, I know she gave me a username/password but I went to the blog today and I don't see a login button.. Anyway, I made a shrimp & rice dish...

1 lb Shrimp sauteed in the wok with a combination of soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and the hot sauce John got Jessie which is "Pain is good batch 37". (I should really measure amounts when I make stuff, but since I didn't I can't say how much of each I used. I can say I didn't use enough of the hot sauce.)
2 packages of steamed Broccolini
2 cups of rice cooked with sushi seasoning in rice cooker.
Mix everything together (including sauce from pan) and serve.

Gwen came this week and brought her son Tim who seems to have gotten along really well with the other kids. Kevin was a no show this week, but Amber made it because she was driving home from Long Island.. We got there really late because I had forgotten to start the rice in the morning and I had to wait around for it to finish. It was really nice out and Lynz brought her dulcimer and Sara broke out her guitar.

Wednesday night I went over to Willimantic and me, Lynz and Anja went to dinner at Opus. Opus is a really good restaurant that opened recently, they don't have a website which is a major problem because we were the only people there and Lynz says that's normal for them. I took their card and am going to try and get it over to Mike so he can contact them about getting them setup. I got one of their set dinners which was a cauliflower soup, garlic bread in a fondue cheese sauce, a steamed trout and lemon sorbet. Everything was really good, if you're ever in Willimantic I would recommend checking it out, I know I'll be back.. After dinner me and Lynz finally got a chance to sit and talk which we had not been able to do in a long time. I'm so glad the weather is getting warmer, it's been a long winter of no picnics.

Last night I went to see Spring Awakening with Melissa and Gwen in Boston. It was a good play, the music was excellent and it had some very funny stuff as well as some very serious points and moments. I'm trying to figure out what to say without saying too much (don't want to tell the entire plot). I guess I will just say it's a story about a group of kids coming into and finding their sexuality, the play does a good job of showing what mistakes can be avoided if the parents would educate their kids. One example is: Wendla asks her mom where babies come from and her response is that in order to conceive a child a woman must love her husband with all of her heart. Because of this explanation the girl is surprised when she becomes pregnant from having sex.. I was checking it out on Wiki today and I found out that the play was originally done in Germany in 1891 and was banned there due to the sexually explicit scenes.. It re-appeared a few times over the years (sometimes censored) before being turned into a musical in 2006.

Before the play we ate at Remington's of Boston which is right next to the Colonial Theater. Remington's is upstairs and attached to Dick Doherty's Comedy Club. This was the second time I ate there, the first was with Kaitlyn before Ryan Adams. Me and Gwen both had fish and chips and Melissa got the meat ravioli. They have a Sam Adams beer on tap that was made just for sale in the Boston area called Brick Red which is a very smooth Irish Red Ale.

After the play we ended up going back to Gwen's new apartment which is very nice and very secluded but also not really setup yet. For some stupid reason the GPS thinks that the best way to get to 295 from Franklin is to drive to Woonsocket RI and then take side roads almost all the way back to Franklin before getting on 122. My GPS tried to do the same thing today when I was driving here, it appears that the GPSs (mine and Melissas) think that one of the roads over here is a dead end when in truth it's a thru street. My guess is that the road was extended recently and the GPSs don't know about it yet. When I was driving this morning my GPS said I entered a dead end road and that I should turn around.

---Thought of the Day
Things really don't change do they? Spring Awakening was written in 1891 and deals with issues around parents not talking to their children honestly. It shows that by parents trying to seclude and shelter kids when it comes to sexuality they do nothing but harm them and damn them to make the same mistakes generation after generation! If generation A makes a mistake because their parents didn't talk to them then why does generation A NOT talk to their kids when the roles are reversed? Do they want them to make the same shitty mistakes? Here we are 118 years later and we are still having the same problem... Come on people, it's about time people learned the right thing to do is to inform your kids! It's really not a joke that information is power! Arm your kids with the power to succeed..

---Diversion of the Day (obviously)