Friday, July 31, 2015

Taco Mac, now serving Tacos!

Spent the week in Atlanta, I'm sitting on the flight home typing this.  So, here's a pro-tip for you..  Don't fly TO Atlanta wearing a Mets jersey!

Last Sunday I went to the Mets game, it's pretty nice flying out of NYC because you can park at the airport and take the shuttle over to the LIRR station which happens to be at Willet's Point.  After the game I took the shuttle back to the airport and jumped on my flight in my David Wright jersey..  Speaking of David Wright; he has spent the last week with the team taking batting and fielding practice!  Hopefully he will begin his official rehab soon.  In other Mets news, wtf is up with trades (that didn't even happen) being announced in the middle of a game while the player in question is playing!?  Flores got a standing ovation from the crowd the other night because they thought he had been traded.  Turns out the trade didn't even happen so it was just a bunch of bull shit for no reason!  I feel really bad for Flores because apparently he didn't even know why the fans were giving him an ovation till he heard people thanking him for his time on the team, wishing him luck in Milwaukee, etc!  It's certainly been an interesting few days in the baseball world, I think this is the most active trading deadline in years..  Oh, and Mejia got suspended for the 'roids again, second time in the same year!?  What a true smeghead!

I think I just remembered why this blog is titled a Tangent in a Tangent..  lol

So..  I get on the flight from NY to ATL and apparently the flight crew was an Atlanta based flight crew, no biggie right?..  At one point I get up to use the bathroom and when I get back there I find they are full, doing what I always do in that situation, I go back to the kitchen/prep area and wait.  This shitbag Atlanta-ian barks "stand there" at me and pointing to the area literally right in front of/blocking the bathroom door, when I move thinking he needed to get by me he slams the curtain closed to the prep area and then walks away with a smug look on his face.

Landed and heading now at National..  Work only allows us to rent from National or Enterprise and only economy cars, I don't like Enterprise because they don't let you pick your own car which is personally a big deal.  With National I've gotten a chance to drive many different types of cars, some good / some bad..  Anyway, I get the car rental place and start looking around the Emerald Isle; not many choices and after looking around for a while I end up taking a SUV/Hybrid vehicle (don't remember the name right now) and heading to the gate.  When I pull up the gate the lady working the booth keeps telling me to pull up till I'm almost touching the mechinical arm, which made the gate line up with my back window!  Now I'm reaching out the window twisting backwards to give her the paperwork..  She then informs me that I am NOT allowed to take a car from the Emerald Isle because I only booked an economy car, I explained that I ALWAYS book economy because it's the only thing my company will allow and that I would have taken an economy car if there were ANY on the lot!  She looks on her computer for a while and finally decides that she'll make "an exception" this time making sure to let me know in the future I can't use the Emerald Isle if I only book economy cars!  Um, smeg off bitch, that's why I'm an Emerald Club member!

So grumpy..  Fuck you Hate-Lanta and fuck your Braves!  America's team my ass!


Get to the hotel and am pleasantly reminded how, no matter where I go, Marriott will always treat me right..  I was totally going to say "no matter when you go, Marriott will always treat you right", but then I remembered how rude the Marriott staff was to Lynz in London because she was a girl..

So, me and Lynz went to London to see Fairport Convention..  We flew over the pond for the weekend and stayed at the posh Marriott right near Parliament and the London Eye.  When we got there the employees at Marriott wouldn't even acknowledge her or answer her questions simply because she was female..  I mean like seriously, there was one point where she tried to address them and they turned to me and waited for me to ask the same question..  It was pretty annoying but, there is a part of me that can see it as  humorous looking back at it..  It certainly wasn't humorous to her (or us) at the time.  That was my first time seeing Fairport in England and it was really pretty awesome, when they tour here in America they always play smaller places but when they play there they are at some pretty big places and it was interesting to see that..

Umm... <---look lynz="" nbsp="" p="" s="" there="" three..="">
Back to the present day..  I get to the hotel in Atlanta and am greeting with a smile and the friendly attitude I've come to expect from Marriott, I was also greeted with a bunch of bottles of water..  Apparently a major water main broke and the water was deemed undrinkable, oh and don't brush your teeth with it..  Crap, when did I get back to Mexico..  lol

Not the end of the world since I don't brush my teeth anyway right.. :P

After checking in I decided it was most certainly beer o'clock..

Off to Taco Mac, yes, wearing my Wright jersey!  As a New Yorker I saw screw you and if you're going to be rude to me for wearing my Mets jersey you can go eat a bag of dicks..  Btw, have you ever heard that Louis CK bit, if not check it out - SO FUNNY!

I sat at the bar, in the stool that would be mine for most of the week, and met two awesome bartenders: E and Natasha. Natasha is from Boston and a total spit-fire of a girl, E is a super friendly guy and both of them really made me feel at home.  E was there every night I went (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and Natasha was there every night but Monday.

Sunday night was pretty slow and they were serving everything in plastic cups and plates because they were unable to wash anything due to the water issues which had been going on since Saturday afternoon.  I had the Blue Moon Cinnamon Horchata on Sunday night, it was OMG Amazing!  Looking at the menu I noticed that they now served tacos; I asked about them and was told they just added them to the menu about 4 months ago.  However tempted I was to try them I decided to go with some boneless wings, which were very good..

Yes, I did get the wings later in the week but this story needs to end now, or at least be put on hold because I'm landing..  

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Welcome Back... Maybe?

I know I've tried to restart this a few times in the past, and have failed.  I'm going to try again, maybe this time it'll work..  I really do miss typing this up and want to get back to it..


Last week I was in Salt Lake City, all in all it was a good week full of glow in the dark mini-golf, good food, better beer and catching up with some friends from the area...  And an Arts Festival..

I saw a comedy show at the Arts Festival, it was interesting to hear all the Mormon related jokes and jokes about the SLC area in general.  One guy was pretty racist, calling the black people in the crowd "the dark ones" and going on about how their neighbors must be happy they're at the Arts Festival because they can finally relax..  :/  The only really funny bit was one guy talking about being "alone" was a put down minority, I've heard that kind of thing before but he really brought it home saying that the diamond symbol for the car-pool lane was the symbol of his segregation..

The rest of the Arts Festival was pretty cool, but holy crap was stuff expensive!  I saw a bunch of stuff that would have been cool in my yard, but not for those prices..  They did have Unita beer and very good food at the festival, so all in all it was a good time.  Oh, speaking of beer..  One of the other one-liners in the comedy show..  A comedian told a bad joke and the audience was just looking at him instead of laughing..  His come back was "you're staring at me like a Mormon stares at a beer"..  lol

Me and my friend Bill went to a place called Copper Creek which was half way between his house and the hotel.  I got there a few minutes early (I know, shock..) and found that they had the Mets game on the TV!  Score..  :)  I had a steak over a really good mushroom risotto..

In the food porn category..  I went to Squatters Brewery with my friend Kristina and had a wonderful bacon covered meatloaf!  If you're ever in SLC I recommend two places very highly; Gracies and Squatters.  Gracies is a jazz bar which has live music almost every night and some very good food, it's in the same parking lot as Squatters which is a local micro-brew; home of the Polygamy Porter and a few other SLC staples.

Other news around the realm?

I no longer own or am affiliated with the running of Future Imperfect.  Future Imperfect closed and Future Imperfect II started.  While I still own the old rules-set for Future Imperfect I am happy to see the 2nd FI alive and running.  I decided to take a small break from the game, which then turned into a long break..  Sorry FI'ers, I wasn't planning to be gone for more than one or two events, if you're reading this and wondering when/if I'll be back; the answer is yes, just not sure when yet.  I actually purchased some new gear for Laal so I will certainly be back at some point.

In the meantime, last year, I started going back to Laire full-time.  I started a new character there and am really loving it.  I still hold to my statement that there is no better LARP than Laire. Just wish it was closer or I could somehow remove the smeggin' traffic on rte 84 through CT!

In September I moved from the castle, I bought a new house here in the quiet corner..  It's not a castle, but I also don't have neighbors..  Well, I have one but there not in the same building..  We share a private wooded road and I have lots of woods (and a river) to call my own..  Home ownership came with three inherited cats..  My mom needed to find a new home for her cats so, with all the new room, I took them in..  Btw - Anyone want a cat?  I'm not kidding..  She is an older cat and is SUPER affectionate, the problem is that she really needs to be an only cat.  She would be fine with dogs, but not-so-much other cats..

"Buy a house, you'll save money" they said...  This winter was ROUGH in terms of snow and bad weather.  I ended up having massive ice dams and had to have a lot of work on my house to fix all the water damage..  Yay, insurance!

Well, that's it for me for now..  Hopefully I'll be back here more often..

Diversion of the Day: